
country and western adj.【美樂】西部鄉村音樂的。

country damage

Then , the article delineates the basic outline of the organized crimes under the economic globalization by viewing and describing the organized crimes in western developed countries and discloses the common and individual character between our country and western developed countries based on comparison and analysis . furthermore , the article makes the estimate on the possible change trend of organized crimes in our country in the aspects of crime deal , crime corpus , crime organizing degree , crime means , crime form , crime scope and crime realm etc 隨后,通過對西方發達國家有組織犯罪的考察和描述性研究,在勾勒出經濟全球化下的有組織犯罪基本輪廓的基礎上,運用比較分析方法,揭示出經濟全球化下的西方發達國家與我國有組織犯罪之間存在的共性與個性特征,進而據此在犯罪量、犯罪主體、犯罪組織程度、犯罪手段、犯罪形式、犯罪活動范圍、犯罪涉獵領域等方面,對我國有組織犯罪演變的可能趨勢作出預測。

A general review of development and status in quo of salt cavern use and relative studies is given and the advantages of salt cavern used for storage is analyzed in this dissertation . then the strategic importance of salt cavern use and the gap on salt cavern use and relative studies between our country and western developed countries is pointed out 本文回顧了國內外巖鹽溶腔利用以及相關方面研究的發展和現狀,分析了巖鹽溶腔用于存儲的優勢,指出了巖鹽溶腔利用的重要戰略意義和我國在巖鹽溶腔利用以及相關方面的研究與世界先進水平的差距。

Though the difference between our country and western countries on the condition of china , and the range , contents , and the model of the reform of administration is obvious , we can still grab the same central theme and similar veins of administrative reforms through the complicated surface of western administrative reforms 雖然我國同西方國家基于不同的國情,行政改革范圍、內容、模式的差異是顯而易見的,但透過西方行政改革復雜性、差異性的表象,我們仍可把握中外行政改革共同的基調和相似的脈絡。

This article makes a comparative analysis on development of urbanization between qinghai and the whole country and western area of china from the angle of developmental quantity and quality of urbanization , its purposes lies in going deep into discussing the present condition of urbanization in qinghai 本文在從城市化發展的數量水平和質量水平角度,對青海與全國、西部地區城市化發展進行了比較分析,從而深入剖析了青海城市化現狀。

He has tried his hand at everything from country and western to traditional chinese melodies , the latter most recently featuring significantly on the sound track3of the hit film crouching tiger , hidden dragon 從鄉村音樂、西洋音樂到傳統的中國樂曲,他都有所嘗試,他為賣座電影《臥虎藏龍》演奏的原聲配樂是近年來最富盛名的中國音樂作品。

Footwear bottoms in thermoplastic and pvc with fashion items inspired by country and western style in warm shades that range from beige to sienna and burnt orange 采用熱塑性塑料與pvc制成鞋大底。這里幾個時尚的款式采用了米色、赭色及橙紅色這些暖色調,頗具鄉村與西方風格。

Then came the band , mixing the more traditional ideas of country and western music into the more radical ” city ” ideas of the hard rock 以后又出現了“樂隊”樂隊把鄉村音樂和西部音樂所表達的較為傳統的觀念與強硬派搖滾樂較為激進的“都市”觀念結合在一起。

They can dance to country and western music , eat western foods and explore the surrounding areas 他們可以伴著鄉村和西部音樂跳舞,食用西部食物,到處走走看看。

Blend of rhythm and blues and country and western , with exaggerated movements 融節奏、布魯斯、鄉村音樂和西方音樂于一體的音樂,帶有夸張的節拍。